The Duties of Private Security Companies

A private security company is basically a company entity that offers unarmed or armed security services to customers both in the public or private sectors. Their armed services typically take the form of protection against violent or destructive incidents such as break-ins, kidnapping, bank robberies or home invasions. The companies provide emergency response as well as regular patrol services.

These security companies have a dedicated team of personnel who are professionally trained in deploying in critical and volatile situations. They conduct regular surveillance of strategic areas as well as designated points of entry. The trained staff of the Private security agencies are adept at quickly assessing the situation and making decisions that will bring about the quickest containment of an volatile situation. When the security personnel are requested for assistance by the local law enforcement agencies they are able to respond within shortest possible period of time. This enables them to maintain regular patrol around the clock.

Private security guards also play a major role when it comes to the protection of individuals from the criminal elements. It has been observed that the increasing rate of crime in the United States has a direct correlation with the increasing rate in Private Security Detoxification Centers. The number of crime in the United States has been on the rise over the past few years; hence many people have turned to the services of a private security guard company to look after their personal safety. The growing business in this sector has led to the mushrooming of innumerable Private Security Detoxification centers throughout the United States. The private security guards perform their duties in such a way that they ensure safety and security of their customer or client while simultaneously reducing their criminal records as well.

Private security services can be defined as the use of armed guards to provide security services for individuals or for businesses. Most of the Private Security guards are armed with the latest weapons like firearms, defense batons and duty weapons. They also use non-lethal weapons for security services. Many private security guards also participate in specialized training programs so that they can gain more skills and knowledge in criminal behavior so that they can protect their customers or clients better.

As compared to the present day scenario there was a time when Private Security Guards were considered to be only for the protection of banks and other institutions that are considered to be the targets of criminals. However with the changing times and the growth of the private security companies and the growth of the crime world has witnessed a paradigm shift. Today people are not only targeted but their homes and cars have also become the target of criminal activities. Thus it is essential that the public knows about the fact that not all the Private Security Companies are the same.

There are two types of security guards available for the protection of a person i.e. Regular and Military. The former are professionally trained security guards that normally carry guns and other lethal weapon whereas the latter are the ones who are recruited for the security forces in both the countries. In the armed forces, the role of Private security companies has been considerably growing in recent years as the number of casualties in both the countries are on the rise. These companies have come up with various security solutions in order to cope up with this crisis.

For example, in the case of banks where there are lot of personnel entering and exiting the bank, the security services are provided with the guards who use firearms and other lethal weapon. Though there is no provision of shooting at the criminal if he tries to escape, yet these guards are allowed to shoot the criminal if he tries to force his way out of the bank. This is one reason why the public always needs to be aware of the type of security services being provided by the security company.

The other type of guards are the security guards who use less lethal weapons like the sticks, clubs or even batons to beat up the criminal. Although the use of lethal weapons is allowed, yet the professionals involved in providing security services are required to be careful when using the guns so that they can save the lives of their clients. These security guards are also responsible for maintaining the order at the premises. If there is a fight between the employees and the criminals, then the security agency staff is responsible for controlling the situation so that it does not get out of hand.


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