Chiropractic Treatment Can Help to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of work-related injuries in the United States. The Lumbar Arc System (LAS) is the anatomical equivalent of a tree trunk; a complex series of vertebrae connects the base of the neck to the shoulders. The Lower Back Anatomy consists of the Lower Back, Spine, and Posterior Cruciate Ligament. The Lower Back Anatomy consists of the following structures: The Sacro-Iliac, Spine, Amniotic Ligaments, and Posterior Cruciate ligament. In this article: Lower Back Pain.
There are many different types of lower back pain, and they include strains, breaks, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteonecrosis (also known as Osteoarthritis), herniated discs, facet joint(s) or sacroiliac joint(s), fractures, herniated vertebrae, fractures of the vertebrae, and slipped or degenerative vertebral bones. Fractures of the vertebrae are very common and usually result from improper lifting or other injuries. When the weight of the body exceeds the strength of the structure, a fracture occurs. In addition, fractures of the vertebrae can result from a massive collision, a fall, sports injuries or a spinal Performance.

When a person suffers from a lower back pain, it may feel like the pain is extending down the leg. The first step is to determine the exact cause of the pain. Certain treatments will alleviate the symptoms. It's important to consult your doctor, if you have symptoms that make your life miserable. He will be able to properly assess your condition and recommend appropriate treatments.
Your doctor will test your muscles and tendons to determine the source of the problem. If it is determined that you are suffering from a herniated disc, your doctor may recommend that you have surgery to remove the herniated disk. Depending on the location of the injury, your doctor might suggest treatments to strengthen your back muscles.
Another injury that commonly causes lower back pain is a torn muscle. Commonly, this happens when a person jumps or twists their body in an unnatural way. The result is inflammation around the area of the injury and sometimes severe muscle weakness. To alleviate this symptom, your doctor may recommend physiotherapy or physical therapy.
A herniated disc can lead to lower back pain that feels like someone is squeezing the sides of your spine. This is called facet syndrome and the condition is usually referred to as "nerve cramps." Treating facet syndrome with cold packs, a Chiropractor may recommend that you first apply heat to the painful area. Then, he will make a cold compress with either ice or a frozen bag using his hands.
Sometimes, doctors recommend treatments for lower back pain that do more than treat the symptoms. Sometimes, they recommend treatments that will strengthen the damaged muscles. These treatments are sometimes combined with massage therapy to increase blood flow and improve circulation to the affected areas. Massage therapy is also commonly used to stimulate the nervous system and relieve muscle tension.
It is always important to consult your doctor before starting any self-treatment methods for your herniated intervertebral discs. If you suffer from lower back pain, your doctor will be able to refer you to an intervertebral disc expert who is experienced in treating patients with this type of injury. When the doctor determines that surgery is necessary, he will be the one who makes the call and helps you through the process of recovery.
Many times, people choose non-surgical treatments for their spinal problems, but they overlook the possibility of strengthening the spine. In fact, many times, it can be even more beneficial to strengthen the spine before undergoing any type of surgical procedure. Many physicians believe that the discs are held back from functioning properly because of the pressure that is placed on them. This pressure can be reduced by performing exercises that are designed to strengthen the facet joints between the vertebrae. When these facet joints are strong, the vertebrae can then work properly.
One of the most common treatments recommended by chiropractors for lower back pain is spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is also sometimes referred to as subluxation, which means that the vertebrae have been moved out of position. During spinal manipulation, the doctor inserts a long metal needle called a radicular instrument into the nerve roots. The needle is bent at the ends so that it can penetrate the nerve roots and the facet joints between the vertebrae. With this procedure, compression of the nerve roots and the facet joints is avoided, which allows the nerve to function more effectively.
Another way that chiropractors treat injured individuals is through massage therapy. Many individuals are surprised to learn that regular massage therapy can actually help to prevent lower back pain. Chiropractors believe that injured muscles may contract because of the pain, which causes the body to tighten and place excess stress on the spine. By giving massage therapy to an individual, the muscles surrounding the area of injury become stronger and relaxed. When this happens, it allows for easier movement. Regular massage also increases blood flow to the area, which can help to increase oxygen and nutrient flow to the injured area, preventing possible further injury.
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