What is the Life Expectancy of Asbestos in the lungs?

The Asbestos Mesothelioma, which is lung cancer, occurs mostly among workers who had been working with Asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been widely used. It was widely used because of its fire resistance properties. It was also used in things like ceiling tiles, cement, fire doors, cement sheets, insulation, plasters, and brake linings. However, when Asbestos began to be found in the lungs of workers it was discovered to be very dangerous.

Asbestos in the air was causing numerous health problems in workers. Those who had been exposed to Asbestos in the workplace developed lung diseases such as asbestosis and lung cancer. People who worked in areas where there was Asbestos exposure were more likely to develop these diseases than other workers. It was particularly dangerous for workers whose jobs did not require them to do much physical activity. These people were those who worked with things like conveyor belts, air conditioners, and refrigerators.

Asbestosis on the other hand is a permanent, progressive, non-cancerous illness that causes the shortening of the tubes that transport air in and out of the lungs. Asbestosis is called the 'silent killer' because once it gets started there is no way of stopping it. Even though Asbestosis is incurable, doctors can usually treat the symptoms of the disease and keep the lungs open so that they will be able to work again. The prediction for a normal life expectancy of someone with Asbestosis is approximately one year. Once the disease is in full swing there is no hope for improvement and most physicians will not recommend any type of treatment other than surgery to keep the lungs What is my asbestosis life expectancy?.

Lung scans today can help in determining the Asbestos in the lungs of an individual. This test can determine how much Asbestos is in the patient's lungs at different stages of the disease. The lung scan will also determine if the Asbestos is impacting the person's ability to breathe. There are three stages of Asbestos in the lungs: early, intermediate, and advanced. This particular stage of Asbestos in the lungs does not necessarily mean that the person has Asbestos in the lungs and therefore the doctor will not know what is in the lungs.https://mesothelioma-asbestosis.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/steve-mcqueen-died-from-asbestos-in-the-lungs.jpg

The early stage of Asbestos in the lungs means that the fibers have not impacted the tissues of the lungs and therefore the person can breathe easy. Doctors generally order an MRI test called a chest X-ray or thoracoscopy. This test can help doctors get a clearer picture of what is going on with the lungs. When the lungs are scanned, the doctor will be able to tell the patient's total survival chances. This is because if the lungs are scanned early on and the Asbestos in the lungs is not found then the patient may never have a chance of getting rid of Asbestos in the lungs.

The intermediate stage of Asbestos in the lungs means that the Asbestos is impacting the tissues and cells of the lungs. The patient can breathe easy and their chances for survival is improved. Doctors order an MRI test called a chest x-ray or thoracoscopy. These tests will help the doctor to get a better idea of what is going on with the patient's lungs.

Once the Asbestos in the lungs reaches the advanced stage of Asbestos in the lungs then the situation for the patient changes dramatically. The lungs scan can show Asbestos in the lung tissue but it is nearly impossible to get a positive diagnosis. Asbestos in the lungs can change the person's life expectancy from many years to just a few months. This is a very scary fact for people who are suffering from Asbestos in the lungs. If you are currently being treated for Asbestos in the lungs and you are worried about the outcome of the test, there is hope. Many hospitals will perform lung scans on patients who are a danger to be affected by Asbestos in the lungs.

Unfortunately Asbestos in the lungs does not always manifest as symptoms right away. Some individuals can go years without showing the symptoms of Asbestos in the lungs. The life expectancy for Asbestos in the lungs can vary greatly depending on the age and overall health of the patient. For patients in their late twenties or for those who are in poor health the average life expectancy is about five months.


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