Infrared motion detectors


Technology has brought home security into the 21st century with the advent of video cameras and infrared detection systems. Motion detectors are perfect solutions for home security, as they are inexpensive to buy, easy to install, and extremely effective in providing an element of surprise to any burglar. However, infrared takes a step deeper by allowing not only the detection of thieves, but the ability to monitor them without your knowledge.

Thieves often work in the dark and infrared detection allows us to "see" in the dark. This particular system is called an infrared light sensor or PIR sensor. They work by emitting infrared light on an object in your line of sight. When someone or something passes in front of this line of sight, a change in temperature is detected. It detects this change in temperature as movement and is Coronavirus detector.

These highly versatile infrared motion detectors can be used in a variety of applications and for many types of advanced detection systems.

Infrared motion detector location

If used as part of a home alarm system, PIRs should be installed indoors rather than on exterior doors and windows. When motion is detected, they will interrupt an alarm. These sensors can be controlled remotely or manually configured using a keyboard.

When PIRs are installed outdoors, they are generally connected to outdoor lights. You can install a series of lights around the exterior and perimeter of your home that are activated by movement. Often times, this simple activation of the light is enough to deter many thieves. They also act as a means of preventing someone from hiding in a dark place and waiting for you when you come out. They are energy efficient and very practical and are often enough to scare off criminals.

This is how they work

The technology used is called passive infrared. Mounted on a wall or window, it emits invisible 'rays' in multiple layers. The top layer achieves the longest coverage approx. 60 feet in front and 35 feet on both sides. The central beam scatters cover an area roughly midway and the bottom layer covers the area closest to the detector. These rays individually measure temperature, no matter what they detect, and they expect any change to cause a change in temperature. This change in temperature is considered movement and, when detected, they activate what they are associated with. It can be an alarm, a light or a camcorder.

Inserted into the passive infrared detector is a microchip that allows easy adjustment for slow and methodical temperature changes. What this means is that when the room heats up and gets cold, the device will recognize it and will not give a false alarm.

The different models available depend on the application. For example, some models are designed for ceiling mounting, while others are recessed and thus disguised to look like something else.

Infrared motion sensors cannot protect every inch of your property, and therefore are often placed in areas that are considered safety hazards. They should be placed in places that provide maximum coverage and in places where they cannot be tampered with.

Dual technology infrared motion detectors are available in the market, which means that two separate technologies are in one device. These systems are generally used in areas where there is a harsh environment, such as a garage. In addition to detecting changes in temperature, these motion detectors can also detect movement.


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