4 types of temperature sensors


A temperature sensor is a common feature of a wide range of devices that help monitor the operating temperature of circuits. They are a practical feature in applications related to chemical handling, medical equipment, food processing units and the environmental control of the air conditioning system. The best known device is the thermometer, which is useful for quickly measuring the temperature of liquid to solids.

Here are four of the most popular types of temperature sensors:

Thermoelectric couple

The thermocouple sensor is the most popular method of measuring temperature. It has a number of advantages, such as self-propelled, economical, and extremely robust. This type of sensor works by measuring the changes that take place in voltage and operates on a thermoelectric energy principle. It is usually protected by a metal or ceramic screen to increase its ability to operate in harsh schools body temperature gate.

Resistance temperature detector

The resistance temperature detector (RTD) has the ability to provide the most accurate data. The actual sensor is constructed of various durable materials, such as copper, nickel, and platinum. This allows working in a wide temperature range, which can vary from -270 ° C to + 850 ° C. This type of sensor must also be combined with an external current to function better.


The thermistor is an additional type of sensor that is easy to use, versatile, and relatively inexpensive. It has the ability to adjust its resistance when a change in temperature is detected. This temperature sensor is made of ceramic materials such as nickel and manganese, which can put them at risk of injury. A useful feature is the ability to have higher sensitivity compared to RTD.


The thermometer is a practical option for measuring the temperature of gases, liquids or solids. It contains a liquid of alcohol or mercury in a glass tube, which begins to increase in volume as the temperature begins to rise. The glass tube containing the liquid is marked with a calibrated scale to clearly show an increase or decrease in temperature. Temperature is also easily recorded on various scales, including Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit.


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